Second Chance Student Club


Second Chance tabling for SRJC Club Day September, 14 2022
Second Chance tabling for SRJC Club Day September, 14 2022


Second Chance is a club for currently and formerly incarcerated students who have been involved in the justice system (jail, prison, juvenile hall, or probation camp). Our goal is to help students feel a part of a community that does not judge regardless of where we came from. We want to provide support and help students become successful so they can have hope in having a brighter future. We also have a professional resource that helps Second Chance students with expungement applications for those who qualify.

The club meets every Tuesday 11:30am –12:30pm (except during semester breaks), on zoom and in person on the Santa Rosa campus.

We also have a Second Chance space to study hang out. We provide free food and coffee to Second Chance students in this space.

If you are interested in joining the Second Chance club reach out to any of the Second Chance leaders or program staff.


Club Leaders Contact Info


Nick Melanson

Nick Melanson Headshot

Club President

Sebastian Reyes-Cuevas

 A person standing in front of a brick wall

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Club Vice President

Matthew Domingos

Club Treasurer and ICC Representative


Second Chance Calendar Events

Second Chance Club Tabling at Financial Aid Fair
Second Chance Club Tabling at Financial Aid Fair