"I am proud of myself for completing a class! Something I will remember for the rest of my life is the happiness I felt when I learned about Second Chance. It is my only real hope for going back to school when I get out."

"I like taking college classes because it gives me more time out of my cell. We only get out-of-cell time about 1.5 hours a day. If we come to [math] class, then we get to be out of our cells an extra 3 hours that day. Plus, if I get my GED, I get 6 months off my prison sentence."

"I am so grateful for the support I have received from Second Chance and the positive impact it has had on my life. I hope others who may be going through similar struggles will find the help and support they need through Second Chance as well. Thank you for making a difference in my life!"

"I took this [math] class to get more knowledge, in general. Also, I used to like math and I want to keep those skills up. I am going to transfer to prison next week for a one-year term, and I get a week off of my sentence for every 6-week college milestone course [like this] that I pass. I have an Associate’s degree and some of a Bachelor’s degree. At some point I want my Master’s Degree."

"[Second Chance] has allowed me to re-enter my education journey with the support of other previously incarcerated students, and with the guidance of Jessica and Hali to give me the tools and support I need to succeed in my education. It has provided a safe space for me to study and work on homework, and talk about the challenges of school and how I can navigate them in recovery today."

"Although I would like to construct my future towards permaculture and microgreens, your course has taught me beyond my expectations. I am very enthused to continue my education. As I love to cook, I know your other courses will be so wondrously beneficial. I would love to see you on campus. Please keep my name webbed in your memory, as I know given my aspirations, I’m on the road to making a difference."

"I want to thank you for bringing this class to us while incarcerated. At times when I thought I had no hope at getting a job or getting my life back on track, this class was a reminder that people still care about others and that there are resources and jobs I can attain. You brought light into a time in my life that was dark and gave me something to look forward to every week. I really appreciate you taking time for us. Thank you again!"

"I wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed this class. I had planned on starting SRJC classes in the spring, but it was completely daunting. Thanks to your class and the introduction of Second Chance Club, my apprehension has turned into excitement. I can easily say that this experience has been one of the only positive things to emerge from my time at MADF. I made my bed and I must lay in it, but now I have something to be excited about."

"[Second Chance] has really benefited me out here in the community and society of living life around a bunch of people that have been through the same things that I have been through. That makes Second Chance a wonderful Program for people that come from being incarcerated to being in a classroom at a college for the first time."

"[I]t was only by chance that another student told me about Second Chance. It has provided support to walk in a classroom where I thought I could never walk into again. Shame and stigma can weaken the voice and deter the resolve. Knowing that you are among others lifts the soul. Having others treat you with dignity and deserving the opportunity inspires the determination and capability to change your path."

"I really appreciated the opportunity to take this class. Thank you for sharing your time and mind with us. I hope to see you again sometime. If not on campus, then maybe at the farm in Forestville. Something has been pulling at me from that area…maybe I have found my home."

"Thank you so much for everything. I really enjoyed the class. You made it enjoyable and we don’t get much joy in here. I plan on going to Second Chance when I get out to continue my education. I hope to be able to take another one of your classes. Again, I thank you for everything and will be seeing you soon."

"I reached out [to Second Chance] and was immediately welcomed in and offered support. The second chance club has helped me with books, gift cards, and counseling services. I came across an email regarding the expungement workshop. I was stoked because I have quite a few felonies and some misdemeanors charges I needed to get cleaned up before getting into law school. I worked with Richard Ortiz, and he helped me file all the forms, and I went to court and was granted expungement! Hearing a judge congratulate me was pretty overwhelming. I believe anything is possible if you have the support and guidance. I am so grateful for the second chance club! They have and are helping me achieve my goals!"

"I first met Rhonda Findling while attending her SRJC Counseling 60 class [in MADF] which I originally signed up to get the milestone credit. That milestone credit may have taken a week off of my sentence, but I saw her passion for her field the days she taught at the North County Detention facility and it was truly inspirational. I got out Feb 1st 2020, a month before the Pandemic. Right when I found a job as a waiter, the stay-at-home orders began and it was either go back to drug dealing or finish my education. I chose my education, I found out what I love to do working for Project Rebound and ever since I got hired, I haven’t looked back since. I owe so much to Second Chance and all the support (financial, essential, mental) and network connections the program has at its disposal. I owe my current position in my career to Rhonda, Jessica, Hali, Jason, and the rest of my second Chance Fam."